Friday 16 March 2012

Filming dates

Sunday 29th January- .filming was called off due to bad weather
Monday 30th January- Kelly Dafydd and Jordan went to the woods at 4:00 and got around about 3 shots done.They found that lighting was a big issue as we only had about an hour of day light as well as the freezing conditions making it difficult to work.

Wednesday 8th February- Kelly Dafydd Jordan and Emma filmed 3 of the school shots, although one shot was not possible and someone needed to film all four of us while moving around.

Friday 10th February- Weather conditions meant we had to cancel.

Monday 13th February- Kelli Katie and Jordan filmed all my single shots and Jordan's in the day time then all Katie's when it was just getting dark as she is Mary in the trailer and needs to look spooky. We filmed from 2-5 and got about 8 shots done

Tuesday 14th February- Kellty  filmed all of Emmas single shots all though we had some trouble as there was hardly any room left on the tape but we still got about 6 done from 3-5.

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