Sunday, 22 April 2012

The creation of our trailer is an advertisement to the audience that will be exhibited in the future in cinema's  allowing them to get a taster of what they will be going to see. There a numerous number of ways where this trailer can be seen including the internet on sites such as 'YouTube'.
Teaser Trailers can also be seen on the television shown on adverts between programmes so people can get a 'teaser' of what is to be shown in cinema's. The purpose of them is less to tell the audience about a film content than simply to let them know that the film is coming up in the near future and to add to the hype of the upcoming release. Teaser trailers are often made while the film is still in production or being edited. It is then after the showing of trailers where it is then released into cinema's to be consumed by the audience it is targeting, where the audience again can also preview other trailers that will be 'coming soon' in the cinema. The film is usually on show up to 5 weeks in cinema's.

It is then an average of 3 months until the audience can purchase the film of their own when it is released onto DVD and Blu Ray, when they can view the film of there choice at home.

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