We decided to use the genre of ‘physiological thriller’ as we though as a group this was the most popular genre for our age group of 18 and had a greater impact on people to see the film with leaving a number of code of enigma’s and the overall fear of the audience of being ‘dared’ to watch it.
We used many conventional aspects of our trailer such as our main narrative plot, including teenagers entering a place of ‘danger’ with a main protagonist, leaving the unanswered questions at the end of who lived? Who died? What exactly is the protagonist? An idea we got from a real trailer of this was the ‘Blair Witch Project’ which included a group of teenagers entering the forest where danger occurs, although they are filming in a documentary style. In our original plot synopsis we had this idea to adapt in our trailer although, we decided not to do this as many other trailers did not do this and looked just as successful with editing effects.
We also chose some unconventional aspects to add to our trailer such as the main villain being a young vulnerable female ‘Mary’. Unlike other trailers we looked at such as ‘Nightmare on Elm St ’ 'Freddy Cruger' and ‘Insidious’ they all have powerful males that cause disruption and have more fear on the audience. However, by using a younger female we thought that the supernatural theme worked well in making it seem more realistic to the audience having a greater impact on them.
Although, our trailer mainly consists of conventional aspects from other trailers as we thought this way our trailer would hold real like trailer elements to become most successful. An example of this is the narrative plot using the Todorov’s theory where a state of equilibrium is disrupted.
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