Thursday 26 April 2012

Key charcters and roles

Emma - (Holly)
The main character out of the four friends is Emma who plays 'Holly', so we had to show this in a way that she didn't take too much prioty of the trailer. An example in which we show her in her main role is the 'Medium side shot' of Emma finding the prop of the diary in the libary and The 'close up shot' of her reading from the diary in digetic dialogue. This reavels to the audience that she has a leader role in their group of friends, who is interested into the death of Mary and is confident into look into it.
Emma was one of the volunteer actors in our trailer and is not part of our coursework group.

Jordan - (Connor)
As a group we needed to present Jordan as a character that was 'arrogant' and didn't believe into the things in which Emma is confident about. An identifable moment where we were able to capture this was in the Close up shot of him when they are all reading from the diary, where he is seen shaking his head and looking away. This shows the audience that he is listening to what is being read and believes it to be 'nonense' and is not afraid of anything. The close up shots used on all of the characters here allow the audience to get to know the characters in the story more and their personality.
Jordan is part of our coursework and his main role was contributing to the technology part of the portfolio as he was best at working the editing suite and adapting his computer knowledge to it.

Kelly - (Sophie)
Using four firends we needed to be able to spread four different personalities in the trailer between them. As of Kelly's character we needed to present her as the more scared and vulnerable. This first shot where this is evident is the close up shot of her when reading the diary which immediately shwos the audience how scared she is before she even enters the forest, with a bad feeling about it.
This vulnerability then continues through the trailer where we present her as the first one to get 'picked' on by the long shot of her with Dafydd (Tom) and then disappearing.
Overall Kelly played the role of a director in the coursework whilst playing the role of Sophie.

Dafydd - (Tom)
We needed one other male character in the film to even out the number of sex's, we decided to use Dafydd as this character as he was the more 'heroic' male character, and played the second mainly role. An example of a shot we used to present this to the audience was the long shot of him walking over the mud with the diegetic shouting dialogue of 'Sophie!' to emphasise his worry into finding her. We deliberately do not give away in the trailer if Tom lives or survives, to make the audience want to see if he makes it out alive.
Dafydd played a role in our portfolio group as the most opinionated with great ideas throughout.

Katie (Me) - (Mary)
Mary is also one of the main characters in the trailer, although we needed to present her in the way of being a main character but being revealed less. Mary was also one of the main Code of enigma's of 'is she the one who kills them in the forest for revenge? or is it themselves?' We did this by creating to audience emotions throughout the trailer.
The first one was sympathy towards Mary from the audience, we were able to create this representation from the 'sepia' effect used for the flashback of the long shots of Mary getting bullied, and then entering the woods to hang herself.
The next was the 'anxious' and 'scared' emotion we wanted to create for the audience from this character. We did this by using the creepy non diegetic string background music to create a mysterious effect with occasional quick close up shots of  Mary's face. This creates the audience to no longer feel sorry for her but scared of her as she is getting her own back on the teenagers.
My main role as a whole in the group was coordinator and director of certain sections.

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