Sunday 22 April 2012

We identified our target audience to be aged 15-25 being both MALE & FEMALE.

We believed as a group for this to be our target audience as the age group's favourite genre on average is 'physcologicl thriller' which we found out from using mini questionnaire to other people of our age groups.
    We also thought that the age relates the actual age of the characters in these genre's which w conventional used in our trailer. This makes it seem more realsitic for it to happen to them and makes it more thrilling.
  We also found out that this age is the most common age to visit the cinema as they experience many holidays, and like to use it for leisure with their friends. This can also be related to the narrative of the genre, similair to our trailer as the friends are on their holidays going camping, this again makes it more exiciting an realistic for the age group.

   Also we generally think that this age group would enjoy the physcological thriller trailer more as they like the excitement of being scared, and liek to shar their enjoyment of the film then on sites such as 'Twitter' and 'Facebook', which leaves great advantages to the film company.
The target audience could also relate themseleves to the characters in the film, as being the same age and watching the film with a similair group of friends make it even more realistic as they see themselves in their postition making it more enjoyable and thrilling to watch.

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