Thursday 3 May 2012

Poster Analysis

  • The title 'The Hangings' suggested the theme of death within the film, with a numerous number of people dieing from being hung, nut does not suggest who has died.
  • The main image is of someone's eye, but does reveal who if it is male or female although the direct wide open gaze gives the horror element with the iconic image of the rope inside
  • This could either represent the villian planning the death of someone in that rope, someone on planning on suicide, or someone looking into the past of someone dieing from being hung.
  • The tagline however of 'She only wants to play' suggests a vulnerable element to a female which leaves questions to the reader if the eye belongs to a girl, or does the want to play games with the rope?
  • The release date is effective because of the reptition of '3' and being released in the time of the easter holidays of the target audience 15-25.
  • It also follows the conventions of  afilm website and billing block

  • The masthead of the film 'iFIILM' suggests a modern magazine which has references to 'iPhone' and 'iPod' which are all new popular modern technolgies.
  • I wanted to have the same effect with my magazine making it seem modern and regularly upsated with the reference of 'i' also resembling a personal ownership of the magazine from it's reader.
  • This also links with the tagline of the magazine 'Your best guide to moves'. This also suggests a personal belonging to the reader with nothing else being better than this magazine with information on the latest modern movies.
  • I also wanted it to appear as a well known popular magazine, which can be identifable with the effect I used of placing the main image over the masthead covering it slightly. This gives the effect of a well established magazine that everyone is familiar with and already knows the titlle. The bold and redness also is an attractful remember able image taht stands out and that you won't forget.
  • The well established effect I wanted for this magazine can also be seen through the main sell line above the masthead ' The Ultimate Horror Issue' this indiactes that iy is a regular magazine with different issues of genre to reach a range of target audiences for the magazine to generate more profit.

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