Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Internet
The internet was the most frequently used technology aswell as the first one we used in our portfolio. At first it was use to research conventional film posters to understand the genre's more, then we used to it to research into trailers on 'YouTube'. Although we continued to do this throughout the year to find elements that we could successfully add to our trailer.

Youtube was our most helpful use of technology as we were able to view new horror/physcological trailers that were recently coming out in cinema's and see how we could conventionally improve.

Digital Camera

After the making of our plot synopsis, we then had to story board shots for our trailer in order to make our animatic. To do this we chose specific shots e.g Long shot of Mary in forest and then went out with the digital camera in the location. By using the digital camera we were able to practise the technique in taking shots so we knew what to expect when we went and filmed it and what we could improve on.

Adobe InDesign/Premier

The editing programmes that we used in our production was Adobe InDesign for the creation of my film magazine front cover and film poster. From already using this programme in AS I was already familiar on how to use it and therefore was able to do it in quicker time.
Although, as a group we were knew to the editing programme Adobe Premier, which was used for the editing of our trailer. Jordan was the most experienced in this programme as he has been using a similair editing programme at home, therefore we were able to give him instructions on our opinions and he would make the changes. This programme allowed to use a vary number of effects on our trailer to make it seem realistic with real film conventions.

Paintshop Pro
I mainly used paintshop pro in the making of my film poster and magazine front cover. When taking photographs to use on these texts, in order to make it look effective I had to remove the background to get rid of any mise en scene and make it white. An example of this is below.

Video Camera/ Tripod

The video camera was the one new technology that we had to be introduced too. After a minority times of using we than began to get used to filming by making small short viedos to help us get used to the camera and the fixture of the tripod.

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