Wednesday 2 May 2012


The Trailer acts a great promotional device for the film as it is the only promotional device with animation movement where it shows actually scenes of the what is to come in the cinema. 
The trailer can be found on everyday uses of peoples lives, such as watching the television where it may appear on an advert between programmes, or it may be on the internet when waiting to watch a video on 'YouTube'. By doing this it gives the audience ' no choice' but to watch what is infront of them, engaging the audience with it's narrative and code of enigma's and if successful enough to actually go and witness the film and make money for the film company. Trailer can also be seen in the cinema when waiting to watch a film, which can be an efficient way of distributing the trailer to the right target audience. E.g if a group of friends were watching a horror trailer in the cinema, a trailer of the same or similar genre will be shown as it is clear they are interested in them.

The Poster is the most successful device visually to promote the film. Usually containing a main iconic image of the film or a main character, it is the thing which catches the audiences attention in going to watch the film .E.g an axe with blood indicates a genre of horror which will invite them to watch it, or simply a main image of a famous well known actor, selling it as USP for the film.
Once again, posters are cleverly found in places of every day use, such as bus shelters, on buses, bill boards, telephone box's, pages in a magazine, or in cinema's. If done successfully, the poster will catch the audiences eye without giving too much away of the plot but enough to interest them and persuade them to watch it.

The Magazine Front Cover is a promotional device that can be made directly to the target audience who are interested in films or the specific genre. For regular readers of the film magazine they will be invited by mainly 'who' appears on the front cover to make them by the magazine. With a successful image, which is conventionally a main character or actor in the trailer will make them buy the magazine, and then later be persuaded to watch the film with the content provided in the article.

Overall it is what 'invites' the audience in with these 3 use of promotional texts, which commonly is an 'image'. This image can be the one on the front of the poster and the magazine, as it is the first thing they look at to whether to decide to look closer or not. For a trailer, if there are at least 2-3 images that they remember and stand out to them to interest them it can easily make them want to see the film. It is also how they engage the reader, as these 3 texts commonly use the pronoun of 'You' to include the audience in the promotion, for example 'Coming near cinema's near you' 'You should have listened'. By doing this the audience are immediately involved with the story and have no choice but to find answers by watching the film.

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