Wednesday 2 May 2012


Todorov's - he suggested that conventional narratives are structured in 5 stages
  1. A state of equilibrium at the outset
  2. A disruption of the equilbrium by some action
  3. A recognition that there has been some disruption
  4. An attempt to repair the disruption
  5. A reinstatement of the equilibrium
This is a theory that our trailer that can be related to as our trailer shows these stages of narrative, with the normal state of equilibrium being the four friends discovering the diary in the libaray used by close ups of their faces to show they are in a safe environment.
However we then show a muddle with the disruption in our trailer with fast paces editing shots, and the 5th listing of Todorv does not exist in our trailer as we leave code of egnima's to our audience to watch the film, until they find this last reinstatement of the equilibrium.

Feminist Mulvey Theory - Known as the gaze.
The concept of gaze is one that deals with how an audience views the people presented. She believed that in film audiences have to 'view' characters from the perspective of a heterosexual male.

There is only 2 occasions in our trailer where our trailer conventional follows this. This can be seen through the presentation of the characters 'Tom' and 'Sophie'. This is shown through the heroic role of 'Tom' when he shouts in diegetic dialogue to find 'sophie'.
The vulnerable female character howver also follows this theory through the character of 'Sophie' who is shown to constantly looked scared throughout the trailer with the close up shots of her frightened face.
Although, our trailer overall goes against this theory with a female being the main protagonist 'Mary'. As she is the character that makes the audience and the characters in the trailer feel uneasy and scared of being in the forest.
Our trailer also breaks it conventionally with the main character of Emma who takes on a 'boss' male like role. This can be seen throughout the trailer as she is the one to discover the diary of Mary  and confront the villian with questions, which can be seen through the diegetic scream of 'what do you want?!'.

Atkinsons Theory - is another theory our trailer follows as he suggested that death by hanging is typically suicide. However our trailer deliberately leaves this as a code of enigma in our trailer, to make the audience decide whether the teenagers have killed themselves because of Mary, has Mary killed them for revenge, or has Mrs Kynch been invloved with the killings?

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