Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Form of The Film

I think the way in which we constructed the trailer as a group was successful with a strong plot synopsis to start which was developed and improved fully into a realistic story.
Our trailer was also conventional with the Start - being calm explaining and getting to know the characters etc. Middle - Where the drama begins End - The drama gets worse leaving codes of enigma to the audience making them want to go and see the film (Todorov's threory)
Overall our organisation  was in good form with setting out dates each week to suit everyone in their own schedule.
However, this was one of the weaknesses of the from of the trailer, as it was sometimes difficult to get everyone at the scene of filming at all times. As some people found it difficult to get transport to the location and alot of it depended on the weather due to it being outside.

The Content
I think the content of our trailer was on of our strongest points of our whole group. By using the idea of the flashback with the voiceover it gave a great narrative to the story in such a short period of time, this allows reasoning for the teenagers to go into the forest instead of a random dis functional storyline.
In the content of our trailer we also thought it was important to distribute the appearance of the characters shown evenly for the audience to know each of their personalities in the trailer. We did this by having an equal number of close up shots of the characters with their own face expression to show the audience who was the more vulnerable and confident.
The rest of the content we felt was important to leave up to the audience's imagination to what happens leaving code's of enigma's to decide to make them want to see the film. We did this by using the fast paced edited shots from different points in the film of a muddled order, not giving away who dies first or who survives leaving them eager to know.

The only weakness we had with the content of our trailer was trying to get across to the audience the importance of Mrs Kynch and trying to relate her to the younger life of Mary. The prop in which we did this was the 'ring' with a close up of the young Mrs Kynch and then a close up on the Old Mrs Kynch.
However the audience in the focus group found it difficult to distinguish who Mrs Kynch was in the trailer, as someone said they thought she was 'Mary's mum' who may want revenge on the teenagers, with someone else saying her being one of the actual bullies, not the person who didn't help her.
However as a group we did not take this as a negative look upon our trailer, as we figured out that it is a question that could be answered once watched the film, making more people want to watch it.

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