Wednesday 2 May 2012

Our focus group questionnaire
We chose 5 questions to give to the 8 people of the target audience, which we thought were the most important without overloading our too many questions but getting enough information to acknowledge the success of our trailer

Circle your answer(s)
1.       What genre (type of film) do you think the trailer is?
Romantic comedy
Psychological Thriller
Action/ adventure

2.       Who do you think the trailer is aimed at?
10-15 years-old
15-25 years-old
25-40 years-old
40-50+ years-old

3.       What were your emotions during the trailer?

4.       What would you rate our film trailer out of 10 (10 being excellent)?

5.       Would you personally go to see this film after watching the trailer? And Why?

Other Questions

When then decided to then ask some open questions in our focus group to find out what the people thought of it verbally by expressing more of their opinions in detail
Trailer Questions
1.       Can you give a basic outline of what would happen in the film?
2.       Do you think the setting works well with the narrative?
3.       How did the sound affect your viewing? / Can you name three sounds which stood out?
4.       Do you think our trailer shows similarities to other film trailers? Can you name similar trailers?
Poster Questions
1.       Which poster relates best to the narrative?
2.       What do you think of the layout?
3.       What do you think of the main image?
Magazine Questions
1.       What do you think of the mast head?
2.       What do you think of the main image?
3.       What do you think of the layout?

1. Everyone in question of our trailer were all able to identify the genre of the film with all 8 people chose horror and physiological thriller as a genre showing we were able to present this successfully in our trailer.

2. Not one member of our focus group got the target audience wrong, with all 8 people in question choosing 15-25 showing we also did this successfully.

3. Emotions
Beginning- curious, interested excited
Middle- frightened, enthralled, excited, intense, intrigued, fear suspense panicky
End- frightened, on edge, scared, excited, shocked, want to know more, what happens next?  
Overall these were the reactions we wanted to receive from the audience, with the emotion of being curious and wanting to know more indicating them wanting to go and view the film whilst still being scared by it being a great positive sign.

4. All 8 people rated our trailer either 8 or above which shows the overall success.

5. Written Comments
I liked the documentary style

      It made me jump
      Interesting story
Mad me want to know what happens
Very spooky
I want to know more about Mary

      I would go and see that in cinema
Our overall results from our focus group show great success of our trailer as it followed real conventions of trailers as many of the 8 people said they related it to the 'Blair Witch Project' which is where we got our original idea from.
By using a realistic location, narrative and representation of themes and characters we were able to make a professional trailer.

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